Saturday, May 12, 2012

Earthworm Jim

Jim used to be a garden-variety earthworm, but after discovering a high-tech space cybersuit, he became a super mean fighting machine known as Earthworm Jim. In this wacky platformer, you play as Jim as he tries to rid the world of evil, including a diabolical character known as Psy-Crow, who wants Jim's suit for his own needs. You'll lead Jim through 12 nutty levels, including New Junk City, What the Heck?, Down the Tubes, Snot a Problem, Level 5, For Pete's Sake, Buttville, and Andy Asteroids, as you run, jump, and fight your way to victory. Along the way, you'll find all kinds of power-ups that make you stronger and let you pull off moves you wouldn't otherwise be able to do. If the addictive gameplay and awesome graphics don't pull you in, then the fact that you play as an earthworm superhero definitely will!

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